Today I am absolutely thrilled to interview S.E. Clancy, author of the Bluebeard retelling The Last Mrs. Bluebeard in the exciting new anthology of fairy tale retellings, Encircled! (Now try saying that sentence five times really fast . . .) ;)
I’m all for diving in, so here goes!
Q: Aw, YAY! I get to chat with S.E. Clancy! I am soexcited you’re on my blog today, girl. Okay, so tell me all about your story. Your retelling of Bluebeard was super creepy (and one of my faves in this anthology, though I love them all . . .), so tell me what inspired you to choose this gripping, chilling tale?
A: I’m delighted to be here, Michele! And congratulations on Kill the Beast being a semifinalist for Book of the Year from Serious Writer!
I had a different fairytale picked out first, but when it was taken, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone, not only with a historical retelling, but with a dark tale. I don’t even like horror movies, but I wanted to remain true to the ominous tone of the original tale.
Q: Aw, thank you! I’m so excited about Kill the Beast I can hardly stand it! But back to you. What first drew you to Bluebeard? Was it recent, something you’d been considering for a little while, or a retelling you’ve been determined to do for ages?
A: Honestly, I clicked on the title because I wasn’t thinking something called Bluebeard could be so frightening. My head was already creating a silly story about how a beard could be blue. But this tale is so different than most of the others! It’s sinister and creepy. And it begged me for a different point of view retelling.
Q: Any other retellings in the works? Or perhaps other stories that are all your own?
A: I’m an active fanfiction writer. This is my first published retelling. I have a couple of contracted stories with an ACFW chapter I’m waiting to hear back on for a release date. And . . . a little birdie tells me that this same Encircled group may try for another anthology of retellings!
Q: Oh, yay! I certainly hope you all do! Tell me what inspires you to write! What happens when the muse strikes? Do you rush off, pound out all the words, leaving dinner to burn and your fam to wonder what happened to you, or do you coax the muse out whenever you have a free moment, perhaps during a set time, or do you demand she show up when you’re ready? I’m all ears! (I love learning about different processes from different authors!)
A: If I leave the words to simmer, I lose them. My phone notepad and voice recorder are second only to the pen and notebook I carry. A few church bulletins have margins stuffed with scenes or dialogue inspirations. I’ve even had my hubby or kids write out something as I’m driving! I ain’t too proud to scribble on napkins, either.
I learned a technique from Davis Bunn at Mount Hermon that I employ at my house when I’m writing. First, this wouldn’t work as well with toddlers or elementary-aged kids. But mine are old enough and know how to use duct tape, so it works well for me. When I close the door of my office, don’t knock, open the door, or send texts unless there’s blood or the duct tape isn’t holding. And I write to music via noise-canceling headphones. Depending on the scene, I use playlists to settle into the mood.
Q: That’s awesome! K, one thing I absolutely love about you are your off-the-wall social media posts. They make me laugh so hard! (Your sense of humor is fabulous.) So do you mind if I ask some off-the-wall questions? No? (Oh, good, cause I was going to anyway . . .) What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
A: Yesssssss! Shenanigans!!! I love odd questions. Makes me feel at home–like we’re practically sisters!
I’m the queen of hairbrained situations. But the funniest thing that I didn’t create or have part of? Hrm . . . that’d be getting caught in a torrential downpour on our family vacation. Ponchos were useless and shoes were underwater. No point in being mad about it, so we ran through the puddles (technically, I believe they were sidewalk ponds by that time). My entire body was pruned.
Q: That’s great! (And see what I mean by hilarious? That’s my fave SM post of all time.) Let’s say you’ve pranked someone. You know, “hypothetically.” Tell me of a time when it went deliciously right and a time when it went horribly wrong!
A: You know what’s weird? I love shenanigans, but not pranks! Probably because I frighten easily. I’d rather say something that’s funny or do something ridiculous to make people laugh. I guess I like my mischief in the open.
Q: Completely understandable! What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
A: Tacos. What would happen if an EMP hit? Trimming my eyebrows. Tacos.
Q: Oh, yum. Tacos. Completely valid. (And now I’m wanting them. Right. Now.) Okay, last question. And it’s a super serious one. You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
A: Super Green. Only fans of the movie will understand that one!
Q: And now I must look up this movie ASAP. Thank you so much! I have absolutely loved chatting with you today! <3
A: My pleasure, Michele!
Does that make you want to read her story or what?
Let me tell you, I’ve read this whole thing, and it is fabulous. I can’t recommend this anthology enough.
I hope you love it!
In Him,
About the Author:
An adrenaline junkie, S.E. Clancy has skydived, worked as a 9-1-1 dispatcher, and raised two daughters with her husband of over 25 years in Northern California. A bit of a sci-fi nerd, geek, and self-proclaimed dork, there isn’t much she won’t try at least once . . . unless it involves mayonnaise, because that stuff is just gross. Her debut novella, “True: A Contemporary Retelling of Rahab,” released March 14, 2019.
About Encircled:
Experience six of the world’s most beloved stories in a whole new light! From historical to futuristic, these retellings will take you to an enchanted forest, a cursed castle, and far beyond. Uncover secrets of a forbidden basement, a hypnotic gift, and a mysterious doll. Fall in love with a lifelong friend or brand-new crush. Venture to unknown lands on a quest to save a prince, a kingdom, or maybe even a planet. With moments of humor, suspense, romance, and adventure, Encircled has something to offer every fan of fairy tales, both classic and reimagined.
This anthology features stories from S.E. Clancy, Jebraun Clifford, J.M. Hackman, E.J. Kitchens, Laurie Lucking, and Tori V. Rainn.