Five Poisoned Apples Cover Reveal

Oh my goodness, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be a part of the Five Poisoned Apples cover reveal! I love these fairy tale retellings so much!

To refresh your memory, first there was Five Glass Slippers.

Then Five Enchanted Roses (for which I began writing Kill the Beast but didn’t finish in time to submit. I’m sensing a pattern with this particular story…)

Then Five Magic Spindles.

Happy sigh.

Aren’t the covers gorgeous?

Well now you get to see Five Poisoned Apples.




Wait for it…




It’s coming…




It may be my favorite of them all…




Ta-da! Isn’t that perfection? Sigh. So gorgeous… (insert sappy, starry-eyed emoticon here)

So now the nitty-gritty details.

This is a contest.

It begins today.

Open to all authors anywhere.

Snow White themed.

Any genre whatsoever.

(Are you catching my excitement yet?)

In other words, you can write up a delicious story, submit it to this contest, and quite possibly be published in this gorgeous fairy tale-retelling collection.

In other words, WHY ARE WE BOTH NOT WRITING YET??? Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

(Yes, I used all caps. Yes, I shouted. Yes, I used too many punctuation marks.)

But what are you waiting for? Check out the details and get to writing!

I’ll be cheering you on the whole way.

In Him,


Rooglewood Press invites you to join the adventure of the Five Poisoned Apples creative writing contest!

*Cover Model/Photography by Wynter Clark

*Covers by Julia Popova

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