Kill the Beast Releases TODAY!

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it’s finally release day for Kill the Beast! I have waited for this day for so long.

As I got ready for my blog tour (that spans from last Monday to this Friday), writing so many posts that had to do with the “why” of my story, I was reminded of a few important things I would love to share with you.

It took me four years to write this book.

Not edit, not market, write it.

I cried, I made excuses, I gave up several times over, but it came down to one thing: I kept writing.

I was so stuck, I was under so much self-pressure to give my favorite fairy tale the treatment it deserved, and yet, I gritted my teeth and kept going.

I remember the day I had my breakthrough.

I went to my writing group in tears–the first time I had ever cried in front of someone else about this book, I might add–and just railed against the universe. I didn’t understand. Why was there such a block in my mind against this story? How on earth was it taking so long? Why on earth was I even still working on it?

And the ladies of my group, what did they do? They listened. They encouraged me. They sympathized. And then we all started writing.

I remember sitting down, a low burn in the back of my throat, certain this would be one more fruitless session. I had over 150,000 words of a jumbled mess, disjointed scenes, scenes that I had written several times over, trying to get it right. I needed the word count cut, streamlined. For it all to make sense.

For the vision in my mind to make it onto the page.

I gritted my teeth, and I attacked it. Anything that didn’t add to the story had to go. Anything that had been written twice or three times over (or five, in one instance) needed to be cut to only one scene, the best scene.

And something clicked.

Things I wrote in the beginning came together in the end. Hints that I had placed throughout revealed themselves. One of the characters completely surprised me with her character arc! (I’d been hinting at it the entire time, I just didn’t know it.)

I had a book. Not a jumbled mess.

I spent weeks, months, on it after that. Not giving up. Typing for all I was worth. Editing, cutting, rearranging. Deleting everything imaginable that didn’t work. (I even deleted one scene I actually needed, if only for my own reference. Oops!) There was no going back. I was making these words into a story. Joy replaced the dread I felt every time I thought of my manuscript.

And it worked. Finally.

I still can’t believe it.

If you are working toward a dream, Do. Not. Give. Up!

One day, one day, it will click. Things will come together. All of your hard work will pay off.

Do what it takes to make whatever you are creating the best it can be, then work with others to make it even better.

Don’t give up, dear reader. I believe in you!

In Him,


P.S. Come to my Facebook party Thursday night! I have tons of prizes I want to give you in celebration of my new book! See you there. :)

P.S.S. Or if you’re in or near Indianapolis on Saturday, Sept. 29th, come to my book signing! We can celebrate together. (And I may have a huge prize basket fill with Beauty and the Beast prizes.) I cannot wait!

{Order Link for Kill the Beast}

7 thoughts on “Kill the Beast Releases TODAY!”

  • I am SO excited for you, Michele! Your story is so encouraging because for about the past four years I have immensely struggled with writing. I felt I could brainstorm and outline, but actually writing words down was a no go. I didn’t understand, but then the Lord opened the doors for me to start writing nonfiction this past August. I wrote the book in just a few weeks! :o Now I have an editor AND a cover designer, neither of which I was thinking I would be able to get right now, but was a blessing. I’m so thankful that like you, I haven’t given up. Your story reminds me to keep trusting God, reach out to my friends, and continue to write despite any setbacks. God is good and so thrilled to be celebrating with you today! <3

  • Michele, I am so happy for and proud of you :) Thank you for the inspiration and encouraging words. Your lovely book popped in this morning and I can’t wait to get started. Thank you and congrats!

  • WOO HOO!!!! So excited for you, Michele! I totally get it, too. Took me 12 years to write and revise Fairyeater. hahaha! Can’t wait to get my copy of Kill the Beast!

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