Meet Ro

Okay, can I just say how hard it is to only show you one character at a time?

I just want to give them to you all at once and rave on and on and on about how much I love them.

But I can be patient. I can.

I’m sure of it.

(Plus, only revealing one at a time helps me focus on telling you more about each character than I would have otherwise. That’s a good thing, right?)

So here’s what you need to know about my huntress, Ro LeFèvre.

My girl here has been through a lot. (And I do mean a LOT.)

Her mother died just as a curse fell on 18th century France.

Her family’s merchant vessels sank in a storm.

They lost everything—their beautiful home in Paris, any shred of wealth they possessed, their quiet country home—and friends and beaus and acquaintances no longer associated with them.

Her loving, doting père (father) turned to gambling and drink to smother his grief.

As if that wasn’t enough, Ro, the second youngest, had to step up and run her new household for her selfish, lazy older sisters (all five of them), her two older brothers, and her younger sister, Cosette, until she was old enough to start helping too.

And then . . . and then . . . her father cowardly exchanged her life for his . . . to a beast.

Um, no, she was having none of that.

When a ravenous wolf tried to eat her little sister, Cosette, and she accidentally killed it, she decided to train as a huntress and provide for her family that way. (She became rather good at it. Legendary, in fact.)

Much has happened in the years since—Gautier hiring her to hunt the same beast her father tried to give her to, her sister snatching up the man she thought she was going to marry, finding out her hunting skill was partly due to a fairy gift for watching over the Fairy Queen’s daughter—and now, she’s running from it all.

Hunting the sirens sinking the English king’s ships seems like just the thing for a broken heart, doesn’t it?

So off she goes, staying busy, avoiding people, and doing what she does best, fairy gifting or not.

Here is my fierce darling, who has been through far too much already, and has such a long journey ahead of her!

(Believe me, I know. I’ve plotted the entire series—well, as best as a pantser can plot, because you just know these characters take over their own stories no matter how much I tell them exactly what’s going to happen—and I can’t help but feel for these oblivious characters going along their merry way, when Bam! I happen to them.)

Mwhahahahaha! (<<<evil author laugh, right here)

Without further ado, I give you the legendary huntress, Ro LeFèvre!

Laura Hollingsworth, what even are you doing to me with these characters? You are a master artist, and I’m a pile of mush. THANK. YOU!!!

And thank you all for joining me today!

In Him,


Next up: You will either meet the Siren Queen or Captain Red—I haven’t decided yet! I love them both so much, and they’re sooo beautiful…

About Silence the Siren:

Huntress Ro LeFèvre is offered a job to hunt a pest plaguing the Seven Seas. A siren has been sinking the king of Angleterre’s ships, and in turn, vast amounts of his wealth.


Fleeing heartbreak, Ro gladly accepts, but there’s just one problem. The king will credit the Marquis de la Valère, and no other women are allowed on the voyage.


Ro will just see about that.


Hiring an all-female pirate crew without the king’s knowledge, Ro hopes they will follow her to the Caribbean, not take the gold and flee.


But when Ro is plunged deep into the ocean by the siren she’s being paid to kill, presented the sirens’ side of the story at knife point, and pressed to join them or die, Ro must decide whether to complete her mission, join the sirens, or something in between.


Before the sirens sink the ship full of men above.